Specialized RCM services

Emergency Physicians, Departments, and Facilities

Assess, diagnose, and treat Revenue Cycle to Improve the Health of Your Bottom Line.

Achieve Optimal Success

We know that an emergency department is always busy. Besides patient care, keeping up with accounts receivable, coding and compliance, and daily operations are all critical functions to maintaining a healthy cash flow and revenue cycle.

There’s already much to manage without adding payer negotiation into the mix. So often, you accept low pay reimbursement or none at all because you have limited capacity to fight the battle.

We get it. We’ve been in your shoes and been frustrated with our revenue cycle. That’s why we started Gryphon Healthcare to help other Emergency Departments, Physicians, and Facilities receive optimal reimbursement, improve operations, and increase their cash flow.

Here’s how It Works:

  1. Your group is assigned an emergency department specialty team who will review your current billing practices, and implement workflows that will improve efficiencies and capture more income for your practice.
  2. While you have the collective resources of our entire company at your fingertips, you’ll only pay for the services you need, and we’ll scale up and down based on your volume.
  3. The health of your bottom line will increase significantly by optimizing your reimbursement and decreasing your costs.

Ready to get started? Schedule a call today! And in the meantime, take a look at the resource we’ve put together a white paper about no pay/low pay insurance tactics that hurt your bottom line.

Recognizing Payer Tactics that Hurt Your Bottom Line.

Every day, your emergency deparment and physicians provide critical services to take care of patients. But who is taking care of your emergency department’s revenue cycle? Unfortunately, payers have several tactics they use in order to minimize the amount of your reimbursement. We’ve put together a resource that outlines main tacts they use and how you can avoid them.